Adding/Removing Liquidity
Adding/removing liquidity on Symmetric v3
Last updated
Adding/removing liquidity on Symmetric v3
Last updated
One of the hallmarks of Symmetric is it's high level of customization. Pools can be created with multiple assets at varying weights. Symmetric also has various pool types and fee structures depending on the assets involved. For more information on pool types currently available on Symmetric v3, consult the "Pools" section of these docs.
It is also possible to deposit into Symmetric pools asymmetrically (or one-sided), but users should exercise caution when doing this because doing so can result in high levels of price movement depending on the liquidity in the pool.
By clicking on the "Pools" header at the tope of, users will find the available pools for depositing liquidity. The Symmetric user interface is intuitive and easy. Simply click on the pool of your choice, and click "add liquidity". Users can add liquidity in any amount, but by clinking "optimize" they can enter the pool most efficiently.